Tag Archives: echo360

echo360 exceptions in the schedule and editing a schedule

This is for all of you echo360 admins that may miss the feature for being able to exclude dates while scheduling an otherwise regular schedule for the semester.  

(Note that if it is an exception that is for ALL classes, you can do this when you set up the term.)

But that isn’t what this is about.   This is for a regularly scheduled course, that perhaps doesn’t want two dates captured because there will be a guest speaker that doesn’t want to be recorded, or they have a day that they want to give an advantage to students that make the effort to actually attend class, or they will be having their exam that day and there is no reason to capture.

On the old self hosted model, there was a way to say when making the schedule, here is the schedule, and here are the dates that I want left out.  Easy.

On the new cloud scheduler, you make the schedule.

  (New Schedule)

Notice, no place to exclude dates….  so :  Save the schedule and then you will see what you did on the calendar, and the repeating event will appear once on the left side…

Open the repeating schedule up:

find the individual date that you do not want to record and click on the color bar that represents it in this day calendar view.

This pops up some info about the recording, with two small icons in the lower right corner.  A pencil and a trash can.  The pencil lets you edit the whole schedule, and the trash can lets you delete the recording.  If it is a sequence of recordings, you will be prompted as to whether you want to delete everything in the schedule, or just this one recording from the schedule.  If you are on a one shot recording, it will just delete the instance with no further prompts. (read: no “are you sure you want to delete this?”)

It then will close the schedule up — so to do a few deletions, you will have to open it up and hunt for the dates you want each time.  But it does work.




Personal Capture’s New Download location

As we have moved to echo360 in the cloud… the new place to find your personal capture software is now also in the cloud.

From the main page that you first see when you login – go here:

or go directly to this link:


Don’t forget to still let us know that you are using the software by filling out this form.


How echo360’s role structure when linked to blackboard cripples its functionality

Say you are an instructor.  You want to use Blackboard and echo360 active learning or capture platform.  You have TA’s or Course Builders in Blackboard.

So, you set up a schedule of captures through your support people for your course.  You do want to publish these captures to Blackboard, so you also create this link (or maybe the support people do it for you.)  Now you and your students can click on the link in Blackboard ( for us it is a video link in the Content Area of Blackboard course…) and see all the captures. The instructor also sees a dashboard of interesting analytics and has increased possible functionality.

But here is the crappy part: TA’s and Course Builders get Instructor roles in echo360.org.

So – that neat feature where Instructors would actually have a button in their account that allows them to add an ad hoc capture on their own?  That has to be turned off.  When you use this feature one can book a recording in any room that has an echo appliance… not just the one that you class actually occurs in. Can’t have students just recording content from any place they want.  Sometimes grand rounds even happen in these rooms.. whoops HIPAA violation!

I like to allow Instructors to delete their own content.  Nope.  Turn that off.

Let instructors make copies of their content?  Nope.

Well… maybe the primary instructor for a course could just go in a demote students that have instructor roles in echo360 back to students?  Nope, instructors can only add more instructors. (I actually tried this as an admin… and yes, I can demote an instructor – theoretically to student.  Only when you actually do this, it doesn’t make them a student at all… it removes them entirely.  Don’t worry though, as soon as that TA goes back into Blackboard again and clicks through to echo360, they will be back in the course again — AS AN INSTRUCTOR.)


Has stuff stopped working in your browser?

UPDATE:  the chrome://plugins area has been deprecated.  Use this link now: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/enabling-flash-player-chrome.html



I was having more and more trouble as time went on with some features in echo360’s editing area.  It sends an error complaining about flash not being new enough… but I knew I had the newest one installed…  very frustrating.  I know that Apple and Adobe don’t always get along – especially when it comes to Flash, so I just went with it for a bit.  But hey – turns out that there is an actual solution, and it isn’t in the apple preferences, it’s in the browser preferences.

The other fun bit, is you can’t just pull down a normal settings menu and expect to find this… you have to type into the URL field:  chrome://plugins  to get to these preferences.


All fixed!



Requesting a SBCapture recording

SBCapture is used for different purposes on campus and we have a few different mechanisms for turning on Echo360 for your course.

Most common:
You want regularly scheduled recording throughout most if not all of the semester.

In this case, you will want to fill out this form:  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/16EifqVp3kAsiBHKoIaGX7OGtKE2v_oGfAz5o2maU0hY/viewform

One time recordings:
Maybe you have a guest speaker coming to your class that you want to capture, or you are holding a review outside of regular class hours – fill out this form:

Personal Capture:
You want to upload your own video or use the echo360 personal capture application to record videos for your course. Then fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1QlkXe31SyGVHoDjfEULIQ89u2TMoX96cr5fOP4z_cBc/viewform

Media Injest:
If you are dropping off video to be uploaded into the echocenter for your course (only materials that you have permission to use please): This is your form.  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1ZwB-k40UeEFeJpwu-kLuBe4sZ3Bg_UK3G06EFEZXMMU/viewform

SBCapture again

I don’t want to write about this one service too much, but we just had another snow day and some instructors have thought to do this, but I’m sure more could do this and it just hasn’t occurred to them.  SBCapture has been on campus now since 2008.  Some of you that use it, have captured lectures in the past.  Even for the very same lectures you are giving now, or would have given if school hadn’t gotten cancelled.

Yes – you can republish your old lectures into your current class.

Screen Shot 2014-02-14 at 3.57.27 PM

Find the lecture that you are interested in, select edit, scroll down to the bottom and select “edit media”, then the “Save New” tab. From here you can give it a new name and description, then pick the current term, course and section and “Save as New”.  The old lecture will appear in your current echocenter.

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