Tag Archives: echocenter

Requesting a SBCapture recording

SBCapture is used for different purposes on campus and we have a few different mechanisms for turning on Echo360 for your course.

Most common:
You want regularly scheduled recording throughout most if not all of the semester.

In this case, you will want to fill out this form:  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/16EifqVp3kAsiBHKoIaGX7OGtKE2v_oGfAz5o2maU0hY/viewform

One time recordings:
Maybe you have a guest speaker coming to your class that you want to capture, or you are holding a review outside of regular class hours – fill out this form:

Personal Capture:
You want to upload your own video or use the echo360 personal capture application to record videos for your course. Then fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1QlkXe31SyGVHoDjfEULIQ89u2TMoX96cr5fOP4z_cBc/viewform

Media Injest:
If you are dropping off video to be uploaded into the echocenter for your course (only materials that you have permission to use please): This is your form.  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1ZwB-k40UeEFeJpwu-kLuBe4sZ3Bg_UK3G06EFEZXMMU/viewform

SBCapture again

I don’t want to write about this one service too much, but we just had another snow day and some instructors have thought to do this, but I’m sure more could do this and it just hasn’t occurred to them.  SBCapture has been on campus now since 2008.  Some of you that use it, have captured lectures in the past.  Even for the very same lectures you are giving now, or would have given if school hadn’t gotten cancelled.

Yes – you can republish your old lectures into your current class.

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Find the lecture that you are interested in, select edit, scroll down to the bottom and select “edit media”, then the “Save New” tab. From here you can give it a new name and description, then pick the current term, course and section and “Save as New”.  The old lecture will appear in your current echocenter.

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