Tag Archives: summit

Open SUNY Summit starts tomorrow.

Open SUNY Summit

I’ve really enjoyed this conference in the past.  I find that the speakers are generally extremely well curated from the keynote circuit of this years best conferences.  If you, like me, haven’t gotten to attend many conferences, you should consider watching this event via the live stream.  There is no cost and no registration requirements.

Further information is provided here: http://opensunysummit2018.edublogs.org/mediasite/ 

including information for the ability to interact via https://www.slido.com/     and via twitter (#OpenSUNYsummit)

It starts tomorrow at 10:00 am (Weds Feb 28th)

Meetup in the City! SLN SOLsummit 2014

I’ll be presenting along with Meg Schedel at the SLN SOLsummit as an invited speaker.  We’ll be talking about the MOOC “Introduction to Computational Arts”, which was the first official SUNY MOOC.

February 26-28, 2014 . SUNY Global Center .  NY, NY .

The SLN SOLSummit, sponsored by the SUNY Learning Network (SLN), is an annual SUNY-wide conference specifically for online instructional designers, directors of online learning, and those interested in online learning environment support, services, and best practices.

The first Summit was held in 1998 as an annual face to face meeting of the SLN faculty developmentand instructional design team and the online campus-based SUNY instructional designers (also known at that time as MIDs) whose campuses participated in the SLN program.

Today, the SLN SOLSummit is open to anyone regardless of their CMS, SUNY, or SLN affiliation.

Click on the general info link on the left for Summit posts. Check http://twitter.com/slnsolsummitfor Summit news, status, and updates.


The SLN SOLsummit has a 3-day agenda.

Day 1 (2.26.14)
Open to all regardless of affiliation with SLN or SUNY.

Day 2 (2.27.14)
Open to all regardless of affiliation with SLN or SUNY.

Day 3 (2.28.14) Special Event: Networking with NUTN
Open to all regardless of SUNY or SLN/CPD affiliation.  Enthusiastic participation from SLN, CPD, and DOODLE members is invited.
