Tag Archives: web conferencing

Setting that aren’t easy to find in Zoom

Zoom has a lot of features.



Some of them are not by any means easy to locate.  I mean, even not easy enough that I may have told you that apparently we didn’t have access to those features.

So here is the issue.  You need to create the zoom meeting room through blackboard.  That way it is tied to your course, and has all your students getting easy access.  But after you save the room:

Leave Blackboard.

Go to stonybrook.zoom.us and login back in

To find the option for preassigning break out rooms:

and click on Meetings and find the meeting room you just made.

Click on it’s name and then go to the bottom and find Edit this Meeting.

Towards the bottom, in the Meeting Options section, you will see Breakout Room pre-assign. This lets you create the rooms manually, or with a CSV file.

ALSO FOUND HERE:  What you need to stop ZoomBombs:

Anyone can share the link to the meeting.  It can even be a student in the class that is signed in from another device doing the trolling.  The only way to stop this is to enable the authentication profiles and force them to use a specific domain account.  We have done just that so you can add it to any of your meetings.  Simply go into the meeting options and check the “only authenticated users can join” option.  Please be sure to leave the domain as stonybook.edu.  I am including a screenshot below.  This will force them to use a stonybrook.edu email address and they can no longer be anonymous in the session.

image (11).png

Set a Virtual Background, Controlling who can share screens, send invites to meetings in different languages, etc:

Go to Settings on the left menu and dig through this area.  Note that some options are locked by “admin”.

Actually choose the Virtual Background:

This must be done in settings in the Zoom application. (Oiy!)  It will download a virtual desktop package to your machine the first time.

Leave some comments below if you find more “hidden” features in zoom!


Providing a Google Web Conferencing Solution that Includes Phone Support [cross post from the Academic Technology Services blog]

The web conferencing solution given here will work from the Google Apps that you are already familiar with.  We will start in the Calendar App.

Create a new Event.

Give it a name.

click on Add rooms, Location or conferencing

Then click on “Add conferencing”

This will immediately give you a Join Hangouts Meet link and the URL is seen below that link.

Use the chevron to it’s left to see more information

Now… you can see a phone number and meeting room PIN that you can also provide to your class. (Do not use the number or URL shown above. Use your own.)

Rather than try to invite your whole class under Add Guests… take this information and get it to your student via Blackboard or email. Just provide them with the URL, phone number, date and time.

Google Hangouts Meet will handle up to 250 participants in a single room.

You can record too as of 3/10/20.  

that is found under the …  in the lower right part of the screen.


Winter Session – a great time for some technology testing

CELT is currently running a winter session pilot with zoom for web conferencing.  If you are an instructor teaching this winter, you should have already received two emails.  One inviting you to use your Zoom account, and one that includes a form asking you some questions about your previous experience with either Adobe Connect or Zoom in an educational setting.


Participating in the pilot does not mean you can’t use Adobe Connect.

zoom web sessions can be recorded and have robust analytics.  We received 200 host accounts to use until the 30th of January.  This may lead to another pilot in the spring if it goes well.