or MOOCOWs as I like to call them (Massive Online Open Courses or Whatever)…  part of what I have been doing is getting last semester’s Intro to Computational Arts ready for a Spring redeploy.  Meg Schedel decided to break it into three separate sessions for the benefit of the broader audience, which I think will make it even more popular and have better retention rates. Not that 10% was shabby to begin with!  I’ve also started on a MOOC course shell for a Human Evolution class.

But – for something completely different, I’ve decided to enroll in a MOOC myself.  “Gamification” taught by Kevin Werbach from University of Pennsylvania.  I also enrolled in the Signature Verification Track.  Mostly to see how it works.  It is hosted in the same platform that we in SUNY use for MOOCs, Coursera.

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