“TurningPoint Cloud” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.


If you are getting this error when trying to run TurningPoint Cloud from a USB stick on a Mac; here is your solution:

Normally, when you download software from the internet and open it, the message below will appear.

This message is not being displayed and causing the damaged error you are seeing due to a default Security setting on the Mac.



To resolve this, I had to access Security & Privacy and do the following: 

1.         Click the Lock
2.         Enter machine password
3.         Select “Anywhere” radio button
4.         Click the Lock







Turning Technologies Open House

Turning Technologies Open House

Turning Technologies, maker of the student response system, TurningPoint Cloud, will be here to demonstrate and discuss the new version of their software. Feel free to drop in at anytime.

8/27/14 – Melville Library Classroom A – 9:00am – 12:00pm

FAQ — when getting your participant list through TurningPoint Cloud – the server address at Stony Brook University is https://blackboard.stonybrook.edu



TEDxSBU Complete List of Presenters


TEDxSBU “Connect the Dots” 2014 presenter gallery.

Just so you know what we are sending…

This letter went out to all SBU students that had previously registered clickers (and were registered for class in the Fall 14 semester) from within our Blackboard system:

Dear Student

As a previously registered clicker user you are receiving this code so that you can have a free Turning Account and ResponseWare license which will last without further payment for 4 years (48 months).

This license code is for you, do not share this with anyone else.

To Create an Account and Activate License:

Create an Account and Register Devices:
1. Log into https://blackboard.stonybrook.edu – go into any course, then Tools -> Turning Account Registration. You will be taken to the Turning Account Registration website.
2. Complete the necessary fields below Sign Up and click Create Account.
3. Complete additional information and click Save.
4. Sign in with Username and password.
5. Click License tab.
6. Click Purchase.
7. Enter 4SBU and submit.
8. Enter your license code: fakecode
9. Click Redeem.

Any questions can be directed to our Technical Support Team at support@turningtechnologies.com or 866.746.3015.

Detailed instructions are attached as well

3D Virtualization App for Mac and Windows explained

This is a tutorial put together by Anna Sklyarova, one of the students in TLT. This is to demonstrate getting an object into a virtual space where you could then share the object with your online cohort.

We offer this as a service to instructors, or you can do it yourself with these free tools as shown above.

Create Turning Account here

You need to create an account if you are an instructor using clickers.

If you are a student buying a new clicker – the box should contain a code so that there is no charge to create an account.

If you are a student and have an existing registered clicker and are registered for the fall 2014 semester – you will be receiving a code via e-mail at your stonybrook.edu account. This code will get you a account and a year of responseware free. Do not pay for an account.

This is the link to sign-up for a new turningpoint account:



Clicker registration changing

This Fall, Turning Technologies is changing their software to a cloud based registration system.  This doesn’t change it’s functionality for it’s use in the classroom or class preparation, and the software is already available online here:

turningpoint cloud image



As an instructor, be sure to create a turning account that is an “Instructor” account.
We are still using Turningpoint 5 till the end of the Summer II session, and therefore do not have the new building block for the cloud version installed on Blackboard. (Getting a roster/uploading grades will not work in TurningPoint Cloud till the Fall semester.) Just tried – and you can get your roster from the new software with the current production server of Blackboard.


The only difference in functionality is that we are allowing the use of ResponseWare for iOS/Android/web. This will allow students to use their smart device or laptop instead of a physical clicker — if you allow it. There are things to consider beforehand; like whether you want them using their devices in the classroom, the fact that they can poll in from remote locations (with assistance from a student in the class feeding them info), possible saturation of our wireless infrastructure and possible lack of cell service penetration.


Call me if you have any questions and here is a video showing how to download the new software and create your cloud account: