Category Archives: TEDxSBU
TEDxSBUWomen events are starting to arrive at TEDx Talks on Youtube
The TEDxSBU Effect
TEDxSBU has given birth to a new TED talk!
And what a great day to do it! Today is TED2015: Truth & Dare. I went to the site page just to see if they had the stream for their conference running live, and there, highlighted on the front page is Robyn Stein Deluca’s talk. Re-edited with the famous TED drop sound and lower thirds indicating that it was originally filmed at TEDxSBU.
I couldn’t be prouder of Robyn and all of the Stony Brook University members that helped make our event a success! Thank you all so much!
Just to put this into some perspective… as of Nov 2014 there have been 50,000 TEDx Talks. (TEDxSBU is 43 of those) and of those 301 have been featured on That means that only .6% go on to become TED talks.
Social Justice – Is it Still Relevant in the 21st Century? | Charles L. Robbins | TEDxSBU
Tickets on sale for TEDxSBU
TEDxSBU tickets are on sale. Event date is Nov 14th.
The first session is from 10 am – 2:30pm (includes lunch)
The second session is from 3:00 – 7:00 (includes snack and reception)
Students who purchase a ticket(s) will receive one TEDxSBU t-shirt with valid SBU student ID (while supplies last)
each session is $25
Cash sales of tickets are occurring at the SAC Box Office.
Credit Card sales of tickets are available online.
See for complete details.
We have an amazing lineup! I can’t wait to see everyone there!
TEDxSBU getting closer
TEDxSBU Complete List of Presenters
TEDxSBU “Connect the Dots” 2014 presenter gallery.
Let loose the Kraken!
TEDActive 2014 “The Next Chapter”
As the principal license holder for TEDxSBU, I had to attend a full blown TED event in order to raise our attendee and sponsorship caps at our own event. So – I went to TEDActive in Canada. TEDActive is kind of like a regular TED conference wrapped in a makerish package — but more than anything else, it’s a younger and far more of a social crowd. I, myself, am not all that terribly social – so that part was largely lost on me. (Plus, I’m getting older – but let’s not go there.) Also, I’m not looking to network to find a new job and some of that was happening as well.
However, I did benefit from Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman being lured to the satellite location based on the promise of it being more fun – so WIN!
Some other things that I learned about TED… one never goes to and then searches for a talk about juggling or magic tricks (at least I can’t imagine many people doing this sort of thing, without also picturing them piling out on mass from a VW bug while wearing funny shoes). BUT IF YOU WERE TO DO SO… you would find many talks, including some from these fellows who have been invited to TED 6 times now:
There were however the standard talks of “ideas worth spreading” and I certainly enjoyed those. Some of them have been released into the wild now including:
I’ll post more of my favorites as they are released.