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TEDxSBU Complete List of Presenters


TEDxSBU “Connect the Dots” 2014 presenter gallery.

Create Turning Account here

You need to create an account if you are an instructor using clickers.

If you are a student buying a new clicker – the box should contain a code so that there is no charge to create an account.

If you are a student and have an existing registered clicker and are registered for the fall 2014 semester – you will be receiving a code via e-mail at your account. This code will get you a account and a year of responseware free. Do not pay for an account.

This is the link to sign-up for a new turningpoint account:


Augmented Reality is coming…

We exist in a awkward point in time.

Information has been given to the public domain, our media purchases and software live in the cloud. We can access this data from a device that we carry in our pockets… and we do!

photo by UltraSlo1 (flickr)

photo by UltraSlo1 (flickr)

However – we have to hold this device and look down at it. This method of access creates walls between us and the rest of the real world. This is a temporary situation. Not long from now, people will look at this moment in time as incomprehensible. How could we function that way? (Just as they will when they release car control to computers and they think back to the bygone days when hundreds of thousands of people used to just drive willy nilly with no assurance of safety – and thousands would die every year.) The difference is that we have been driving cars for decades now. We won’t be accessing information by staring down at our pocket computers for more than a brief blip in time.

Google Glass is but a prototype. It is still bulky and crude.

prototype device from Brainstorm that could record all of a person's senses for another to playback

prototype device from Brainstorm that could record all of a person’s senses for another to playback

The future interface will be completely slick and integrated. Trust me.

Peer into the future with me and tell me, do you think we are ready as a society to handle this? Do we have protections in place that will allow us to walk around without seeing ads everywhere?* Do we have ethically unchallenged leadership that sincerely cares?

Ready or not, this blip we are living in, will be over soon.

*As if this wasn’t already a problem.



Kickstarter – Oculus Rift – Facebook

Kickstarter – Oculus Rift – Facebook

“Meanwhile, there seems to be an obvious question of economic justice here. The original Kickstarter backers of Oculus Rift might not have been explicitly granted shares in the company, but the company wouldn’t exist without their initial contribution. About 10,000 people gave Oculus $2.5m between them. I for one am struggling to think of a good reason why each of them shouldn’t get a proportional share of that $2bn sale.” — Steven Poole, The Guardian

From the SXSWedu session: Keeping the Promise of Educational Technology

“I want to ask a question.  How many of you think the the children from those lower two dots in the united states [high poverty rates], are going to Khan Academy, and, is that going to change if Comcast wires up their households? I think that’s laughable. It’s not enough to put it out there. You have to actively engage the students.  You have to do the things that don’t scale.” — Vivienne Ming