Tag Archives: TLT

Call for Proposals

Dear Teaching Colleagues,

Greetings from The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.  We are currently planning our annual Teaching & Learning Colloquium to be held  from 8:30-4:30 on Friday, November 2, 2018, and you are invited to participate.
The goal of this colloquium is to provide a dedicated space & time to engage the SBU teaching community in discussion of current teaching practice while also enabling faculty to discover CELT & DoIT services available that support their instructional mission.
To make the colloquium as authentic and pragmatic as possible, we are hoping to tap into your personal teaching expertise. That’s why we’re inviting you to present a 45-minute breakout session.
The breakout sessions are organized into four tracks:
  1. Experiential Learning
  2. Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning
  3. Academic Success
  4. SBOLD/TALENT Grant, Innovative, and Distance Learning Projects
We invite you to share your effective instructional strategies and passion for teaching. Please propose your presentation by completing this form by Friday, June 1.
Thanks in advance for considering this opportunity to collaborate with CELT’s mission of nurturing the teaching community here at Stony Brook.


The Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching
Colloquium Planning Committee
631.623.2358 (CELT)

Back from CIT in Geneseo

I’ve just gone to SUNY Geneseo for the annual Conference on Instruction and Technology.  Last year I went as a featured presenter, but this year I went just to take in the conference and visit the campus. The theme for the event this year was: Rising to Meet Our Challenges: Preparing for Global Success and the tracks supporting this subject were:

  • Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
  • 21st Century Learning Environments
  • The Open Educator
  • Access, Completion, and Success
  • Keeping the Lights On: Infrastructure & Support

I find it humorous that one of the most significant discussions I had while there was with another member of the SBU community (and TEDxSBU community) Anurag Purwar.  I think we had some interesting ideas for projects that we may be able to develop further together that will be really inspirational.  Look for more to come!

Also, I was able to connect with many SUNY individuals and some of the other campuses that are currently working on MOOCs. Networking definitely reigns supreme at CIT for me.

The keynote speaker Dr. Mark Milliron (Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer, Civitas Learning), was entertaining and informative. Amazing advising apps for students and campuses.