
Open SUNY Summit starts tomorrow.

Open SUNY Summit

I’ve really enjoyed this conference in the past.  I find that the speakers are generally extremely well curated from the keynote circuit of this years best conferences.  If you, like me, haven’t gotten to attend many conferences, you should consider watching this event via the live stream.  There is no cost and no registration requirements.

Further information is provided here: 

including information for the ability to interact via     and via twitter (#OpenSUNYsummit)

It starts tomorrow at 10:00 am (Weds Feb 28th)

Turning Technologies Open House

Turning Technologies Open House

Turning Technologies, maker of the student response system, TurningPoint Cloud, will be here to demonstrate and discuss the new version of their software. Feel free to drop in at anytime.

8/27/14 – Melville Library Classroom A – 9:00am – 12:00pm

FAQ — when getting your participant list through TurningPoint Cloud – the server address at Stony Brook University is



Create Turning Account here

You need to create an account if you are an instructor using clickers.

If you are a student buying a new clicker – the box should contain a code so that there is no charge to create an account.

If you are a student and have an existing registered clicker and are registered for the fall 2014 semester – you will be receiving a code via e-mail at your account. This code will get you a account and a year of responseware free. Do not pay for an account.

This is the link to sign-up for a new turningpoint account:


blog sense

I recently wrote a blog piece on the Creation Renaissance.  One day I tweeted about it and the next day I posted about it on Facebook.  I would have guessed that the Facebook posting would have generated more views, but for all three; pageviews, visits and unique visitors, the tweet brought in slightly more people.  Of course there is some overlap of users, but I have to say that I don’t think there is a whole lot.